
Safe and family-friendly transport in Christchurch and Selwyn.
We offer a dedicated small passenger service that ensures peace of mind by providing thoroughly vetted and family-friendly drivers.
Secure and comfortable transportation for your kids and family every time.


Cabs4Kids is a transport service for parents and caregivers who want a baby, toddler or car seat for their journey. We are also the number 1 transportation service of choice; when you can’t be there, safety is always our Number 1 priority for your children. We cater for children on their own who need help getting to after-school activities and appointments or are travelling on their own as unaccompanied minors. We also offer new baby and mother chaperoned help to doctor visits, shopping or anywhere another caring, helpful pair of hands is needed. Taxis can be booked the night before for preplanned appointments or activities.

Our Transport Services

Children’s Transport Services

  • Child Airport Chaperone Service
  • Boarders Transport
  • After School Activities

Family Transport Services

  • Family Airport Transfers
  • New Mother & Baby Chaperone
  • Birthday Party/Friendship Groups
Family transporting mother and child

Why Choose Us

Thoroughly Vetted and Friendly Drivers: Our team comprises caring and experienced drivers who prioritise safety and have a minimum of 5 years of driving experience.
We ensure that infant, toddler or booster seats are fitted before each journey. The children also have a selection of toys and books to keep them happy during their journey.
Tailored Service: Our approach is tailored to suit the individual requirements of children and families, making each journey safe, enjoyable, and worry-free.

About Cabs 4 Kids

Cabs4Kids focuses specifically on catering to the unique transportation needs of children and their families. We provide seamless journeys to safely get your child or family from point A to point B.
We offer safe and reliable transportation for various commitments such as airport transfers, appointments, birthday parties, and new Mother and Baby Chaperone Services.

Vetted and Friendly Drivers to ensure your family’s safety.
What people are saying about our services
Safe and Comfortable Children’s Transportation Services

Take the stress out of your child’s transportation with our reliable and safe service. Our vetted and experienced drivers ensure your child arrives safely and on time.